LAKEN RILEY ACT: Congressman who wrote new law says it ‘will help save lives’
Riley was murdered by an illegal immigrant last year while jogging at the University of Georgia.
Riley was murdered by an illegal immigrant last year while jogging at the University of Georgia.
Supporters of state Sen. Colton Moore, who represents Trenton, greeted him as he prepared to enter the House for the first time in more than a year for a joint session of the legislature.
Some Republican lawmakers are applauding these actions while many Democrats are not.
Some are excited over the release while others want the King family to get a look at them first.
The halls of the State Capitol are mostly empty, a good chance to dust hard to reach areas. Not far away, some lawmakers and lobbyists walked into first budget related hearing since the snowstorm hit Georgia.
GDOT is worried that the roads will refreeze Wednesday night, so they’re asking drivers to stay home.
The governor said the suits are hurting businesses around the state through payouts, settlements, legal fees and much higher insurance rates
Four months after the tragic shootings in Barrow County, Kemp stood in the State Capitol on Monday to announce he plans to ask for another round of grants to every Georgia school.
“Right now, our hearts are heavy around here,” Fuller said. “They are heavy across the world.”
The town of Plains is preparing to say its first of two goodbyes to its favorite son, Jimmy Carter.