Behold the beauty: Water release days at Tallulah Gorge this weekend
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Water release days at Tallulah Gorge Tallulah Gorge is a great place to visit no matter the time of year. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge The area offers numerous hiking opportunities. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge and some gorgeous waterfalls! (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge But several times during the year, there are special water release days. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge On a typical day, the water flow through the gorge is 35–40 CFS (cubic feet per second). (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge During aesthetic releases, the flow is 200 CFS... (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge and during whitewater releases, the flow is 500 CFS on Saturday and 700 CFS on Sunday. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge And plenty of kayakers visit during those days. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge There are 4 months of the year with aesthetic water releases. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge This water flow is less than the whitewater releases but much more than the regular flow of water through the gorge. Hiking & rock climbing in the gorge are not allowed on these dates. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge There are whitewater boating weekends during two months of the year. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge Check for the schedule. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge The next Whitewater Boating Weekend is set for November 16-17, 2024. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge Water thunders through the gorge as kayakers challenge their skills & spectators watch from the rim. Hiking & rock climbing in the gorge are not allowed on these dates. (Nelson Hicks)
Water release days at Tallulah Gorge (Nelson Hicks)