Barrow County

Student from East Point went unnoticed for hours after entering Apalachee High School

Student from East Point went unnoticed for hours after entering Apalachee High School School administration sent a letter to families Wednesday afternoon that said Herson Galindo, 18, from Tri Cities High School in East Point managed to ride the bus with his girlfriend to Apalachee High School and entered the campus alongside other students. ( News Staff)

BARROW COUNTY, Ga. — A student from another school district is in jail after going into Apalachee High School without authorization.

School administration sent a letter to families Wednesday afternoon that said Herson Galindo, 18, from Tri-Cities High School in East Point, managed to ride the bus with his girlfriend to Apalachee High School and entered the campus alongside other students.

The district said another student spotted Galindo inside a bathroom at the school shortly after 1 p.m. and alerted a School Resource Officer.


School police said Galindo was in possession of a vape pen that had THC in it.

“As a reminder, visiting any BCSS school without proper credentials or approval to be on school property is considered trespassing. The AHS student who helped their friend onto our campus also faces disciplinary consequences,” a message to parents said.

Galindo has been charged with criminal trespass, possession of a Schedule 1 narcotic and possession of drugs on school grounds.

The district is asking parents to talk to students about following the rules and procedures of the school.