DeKalb County

Decatur limiting when loud lawn equipment can be used with amended noise ordinance

(BrianAJackson/Getty Images/iStockphoto)

DECATUR, Ga. — Waking up to a loud lawnmower isn’t an ideal way to start the morning for many people. But leaders in one metro Atlanta city are looking to trim down the noise.

In a bid for quieter conditions, the Decatur City Commission voted to approve an amendment to its noise ordinance during Tuesday’s meeting.

Decatur commissioners made it so any lawn equipment or generator with a sound level over 65 decibels cannot be used before 7 a.m. or after 10 p.m. On weekends, it would limit time for lawn mowing and other activity to between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Additionally, residents can’t leave lawn equipment running in the same area for more than a minute to under five minutes without moving.

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Sound levels would have to be measured with a sound level meter, the ordinance says. For multifamily residences, sound level would need to be measured through an adjacent dwelling for enforcement purposes.

The council says there will not be a limit on the generators during power outages.


For city vehicles or equipment, when being used for work on behalf of the City of Decatur, would be exempt from the noise restrictions. Repair on bridges, streets or highways on behalf of the city, DeKalb County or the State of Georgia are also exempt.

Emergency vehicles are also exempt when responding to emergencies.

Noise over 65 decibels will be allowed for parades, public assemblies, concerts, sporting and athletic events and other events with the city’s approval.

Educational activities from recognized learning institutions would also be exempt from the noise ordinance.

City officials said they’ll be looking at the effects of the ordinance over the next 12 months to see its impacts and then make potential recommendations on adjustments.

The ordinance itself comes after a study on noise levels in Decatur in September. A city survey of residents determined the No. 1 nuisance noise maker in Decatur was lawn equipment. The other oft-reported noise issue was music or party-related noise complaints.

Now passed, the ordinance will take effect July 1.

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