See Rock City You see barns advertising it from time to time. (Rock City)
See Rock City So what exactly is Rock City? (Rock City)
See Rock City Rock City Gardens is a 4100-ft walking trail surrounded by natural geological and botanical wonders featuring a 90-ft waterfall; the Swing-A-Long Bridge, a 180-ft long suspension bridge that provides an amazing view of the Chattanooga valley; Lover’s Leap where you can See 7 States; Fat Man’s Squeeze, Fairyland Caverns and Mother Goose Village. (Rock City)
See Rock City It's in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, about six miles from Chattanooga. (Rock City)
See Rock City Each year, more than half a million people visit the attraction to enjoy the many natural splendors that abound. (Rock City)
See Rock City Rock City officially opened as a public attraction on May 21, 1932. It got off to a slow start because advertising in those days was difficult, especially since the mountain-top attraction was not located in a place that people would just happen to be passing by and take notice. Garnet Carter owned the attraction. It was at this point another brilliant idea of Carter’s was born. He enlisted the help of a young sign painter named Clark Byers, who was hired to travel the nation’s highways and offer to paint a farmer’s barns in exchange for letting him paint three simple words: See Rock City. The distinctive black-and-white signs appeared as far north as Michigan and as far west as Texas. The advertising soon began to produce the desired effect and by the close of the 1930s, more travelers than ever had seen Rock City Gardens. (Rock City)
See Rock City The gardens now include more than 400 different species of native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees. (Doug Barnette/Rock City)
See Rock City (Rock City)
See Rock City Check out to plan a trip. (Rock City)
See Rock City The natural wonders of Rock City never lose their ability to enchant and amaze. Rock City is filled with ancient and unique rock formations that you cross over, go around, and trek through as you make your way along the Enchanted Trail. Explore monumental rock formations like Grand Corridor and Needle's Eye before reaching the whimsical Mushroom rock. (Doug Barnette/Rock City)
See Rock City The Mushroom Rock at Rock City. (Rock City)